Jennifer Wuamett - NXP Semiconductors: Unifying the Legal Dept in a Merger

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” Today’s guest, Jennifer Wuamett, takes that popular quote one step further: You also need to try out different selections before you recognize which one you like best. Indeed, her life bears that out. As a child, she aspired to be a librarian. In college, it was a biomedical illustrator. After starting down the path of a Ph.D. program in biochemistry, she eventually switched over to law, where she discovered a passion for dealmaking and negotiation—and that’s how the scientist and artist turned lawyer. Today, the self-described “deal junkie” is the Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary for NXP Semiconductors. In this episode, we discuss: - Lessons from unifying two legal departments in a merger - How the scope of work for GCs has grown - Important areas to focus on for aspiring GCs - Providing the team with lateral opportunities to promote engagement - Hiring using a value-based framework *Hear more stories by subscribing to Innovative Legal Leadership on** Apple Podcasts**, **Spotify**, or any podcast platform.* *Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Innovative Legal Leadership in your favorite podcast player.*

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